
Country of origin:

Date of birth:




Adult height:

Adult weight:


Monthly cost:






70-75 cm

+/- 55 kilo

Yes, adoptable

35 to 40 euros


Country of origin:


Date of birth:








Adult height:

70-75 cm

Adult weight:

+/- 55 kilo


Yes, adoptable

Monthly cost:

35 to 40 euros

Balloo's history takes a moment to digest. He was found as a puppy in Kosovo in the cold winter of January 2020. Locals gave him bread and water while he lay beside the road in the snow. His body injured due to an accident with a car or truck and thus unable to walk. Or to move much at all. For three weeks people advertised him on social media, but no one came to collect the puppy. When Svetlana heard, she picked him up and took him to the vet. Three legs turned out to be broken, but the X-rays also revealed something else. Balloo's body was full of shotgun pallets. No vital organs were hit, but the bullets remain. The vets tried to fix the broken legs, but the injuries were too old. For 5 to 6 months, Balloo went in and out of surgery and could not walk. And then one day, he stood up. Now, he cannot walk normally, but he can pull himself up and even run a bit if he feels like it. It doesn't seem to bother Balloo much, as long as he gets his cuddles, food and playtime.
Balloo is a very big example of the šarplaninac breed of guardian dogs. These are generally stable dogs that are fiercely tough and loyal to their owners only. They need space and something to guard and thus are far from easy dogs. But once all the conditions are met, they are man's best companion. Balloo is easily the largest dog at Meda's Run. But despite his horrible history, Balloo has developed a very friendly character. He has a great sense of humor and is an absolute clown. He also loves playing with the other dogs, be it little Taps or handicapped Yoda. Balloo is not very fond of strange men. Like many of the šarplaninac dogs at Meda's Run, Balloo is not actively advertised for adoption. But if a unique home crosses his path and all the conditions are met, Balloo can be adopted.
Balloo has extra costs as he gets medicines to help his joints move more flexible.
Balloo gets extra medication for his joints.

Virtual fairies

Remember, every amount is welcome to sponsor this dog. This includes one-time donations too. Monthly fairies will get updates every 6 months, no matter how much or little they donate. We are grateful for all help.

– José Westhoff (20 euros a month)

Summary of costs

For every dog that is fully sponsored by one or more virtual fairy/fairies, we can breathe a little more and ensure the dog will receive:

– Care and safety (of course)
– Food
– Deworming
– Vaccinations
– Microchip
– Papers
– Minor vet interventions
– Spay/neutering
– Straw in winter for warmth

Donation form

(If you want to keep your donation anonymous, please let us know in the message section below)

4 + 9 =

Please donate to:

NL32 SNSB 8838 8490 05
Name: Vleeming Hooghiem S C M
Message: Sponsorship Meda’s Run <Dog name>

What to expect from us?

Everyone who donates to a dog or other cause monthly, will get updates every six months.