
Country of origin:

Date of birth:




Adult height:

Adult weight:


Monthly cost:






60-65 cm


Yes, adoptable

35 euros


Country of origin:


Date of birth:








Adult height:

60-65 cm

Adult weight:



Yes, adoptable

Monthly cost:

35 euros

Bari lived close to a supermarket in Kosovo. He was very calm and friendly to people in the neighborhood. But with his ear infections, Svetlana and other volunteers had to catch him every evening to administer his medicine. While the ear infection worsened, Bari started running away whenever he saw Svetlana coming with the medication. At one point he even disappeared. It became so difficult to look after him, that Bari was temporarily moved to a pension before he eventually came to Meda's Run in Serbia. The ear infection could never be properly treated though, and Bari went completely deaf. But every once in a while, he starts barking at something no one else can see or hear.
Bari is a quiet and very friendly šarplaninac dog. While he is deaf, he doesn't seem to mind people. Bari likes his peace, but also doesn't mind a little bit of attention. And if he spots you carrying a brush, he comes over quickly. He simply loves cars and immediately jumps in them when he spots an open door. Nobody knows why this is. But if Bari is ever to find a home, it would be great if Bari could travel or maybe sometimes live inside a car. Because of his age and medical condition, Bari is not actively advertised for adoption. But if a perfect home comes available somewhere, we would love for it to cross his path.
Bari's costs per month average about 35 euros. That includes food, electricity, cleaning and minor vet checks.
Bari has had many ear infections. This has caused him to go completely deaf. But even now, an infection remains in his left ear.

Virtual fairies

Remember, every amount is welcome to sponsor this dog. This includes one-time donations too. Monthly fairies will get updates every 6 months, no matter how much or little they donate. We are grateful for all help.

Bari does not have any sponsors yet.

Summary of costs

For every dog that is fully sponsored by one or more virtual fairy/fairies, we can breathe a little more and ensure the dog will receive:

– Care and safety (of course)
– Food
– Deworming
– Vaccinations
– Microchip
– Papers
– Minor vet interventions
– Spay/neutering
– Straw in winter for warmth

Donation form

(If you want to keep your donation anonymous, please let us know in the message section below)

15 + 6 =

Please donate to:

NL32 SNSB 8838 8490 05
Name: Vleeming Hooghiem S C M
Message: Sponsorship Meda’s Run <Dog name>

What to expect from us?

Everyone who donates to a dog or other cause monthly, will get updates every six months.